How are you everyone?
As i already told you, i have my spring holiday this week, so i headed to mountains with my sister and friends. We are having so much fun. The snow and weather are absolutely perfect!! I wanted to share some pictures with you, but i didn't find out how to do it through my iPhone :(.
For more updates and sime photos you can follow me on twitter!

7 komentářů

  1. Have a nice time with your sister and friends!

  2. ggggrrrrrrrrrh...i am jealous...a little bit:P
    tak si to,holky,poradne uzijte....a fotte,at se muzem potom pokochat!

  3. Me too! (:
    'nd i've started to follow u... (:
    enjoy the rest of the week...

  4. Sounds fun and really cold. I wish I had spring break right now. Have fun :)

  5. I love the spring <3
    Have a nice time beautiful !
    Loooveee ! xoxo

  6. nice blog HONEY! :D I LIKE IT!!!

    Follow my blog and I follow your blog:O)

    i`m happy if you follow me toooo with bloglovin ;)

    KISS ;*)

  7. jéé tak si to moc užívej:) mimochodem ten minulej post vypadá zajímavě to jsem zvědavá:)
